Index - Knock! An Adventure Gaming Bric-a-Brac

Article title Author Issue - Page Type
12 Magic Blades Nobboc #1-133 Equipment, Treasure, Magic Items
Random Table

1D6 Thieving Greco, Paolo #1-76 Houserule
New or Alternate Class
20 Gunpowders Nieudan, Eric #1-46 Random Table

30 Tomes of Magic Dessaux, Nicolas #2-128

300 Useless Magic Loot Tamm, Chris #1-116 Random Table

34 Good Traps McDowall, Chris #1-113 Random Table

8 Statues Encounters Nobboc #1-80 Random Table


8 Variants of the Caves of Chaos Dessaux, Nicolas #1-128 Random Table


A Comparison of Old and New D&D Norman, Gavin #1-12 Theory

A Powder Keg the Dune Way Shear, Jack #2-125

Abstract Magic, Concrete Magic Greco, Paolo #3-126

Adventures #1-189 Adventure

Another Fool! Vagabundork #2-154

Bad Paxti Nobboc & Prado, Javier #2-108

Bathos McGrogan, David #2-99

Beginning Spellbooks Denning, Warren #3-40

Better Treasure Lynch, Bryce #1-88 Advice
Random Table

Blood Moon Nyhur #3-87

Borderlands Dessaux, Nicolas #1-122 Theory


Boring Dungeons Nogueira, Diogo #2-104

Carousing for Spellbook Nerds Norman, Gavin #2-26

Cheap Tricks McDowall, Chris #2-13

Classifieds #3-206

Combat Objectives Denning, Warren #2-90

Compelling Arena Fights Redding, Frank #3-68

Complete the Dungeon Nieudan, Eric #1-140 Adventure

Complete the Dungeon Nieudan, Eric #2-148

Complete the Encounter Nieudan, Eric #1-142 Adventure

Complete the Encounter Nieudan, Eric #2-146

Complete the Encounter Nieudan, Eric #3-134

Cursed Scriptures Edwards, Brent #2-134

D is for Demons Maliszewski, James #2-180

D12 Dungeon Geniuses Sholtis, Jason #1-86 Random Table
Monsters and NPCs
D20 Hooks Nobboc & Nieudan, Eric #1-103 Random Table

d20 Kids for your Dungeons Bauza, Antoine #3-73

D20 Magic Helmets Nobboc & Nieudan, Eric #1-104 Random Table
Equipment, Treasure, Magic Items

d6 Hexcrawling Gebei, Sandor #2-151

d66 Former Occupations #1-176 Random Table

d8 Magical Hares Velasquez, Jorge #3-51

Does Energy Drain Suck? Lux, Gabor #1-19 Houserule


Don't List Out Gear Smith, W.F. #2-72

Duels Allen, Emmy #1-78 Houserule

Dungeon Checklist K., Arnold #1-30 Advice

Dynamism and the Generic Optimum K., Arnold #3-79

Eaten by a Grue McCrowell, Josh #2-44

Eight Goblin Warlock Spells Cacklecharm #2-46

Encourage Scheming McDowall, Chris #1-50 Advice

Erynie's Mirror Nieudan, Eric #2-38

Expose Your Prep McDowall, Chris #1-49 Advice

Extraordinary Excursions #2-203

Extraordinary Excursions #3-183

Fairy Knight Generator Strom, Matt #3-76

Fear the Faceless God Iko #2-106

Five Tips For Horror in D&D Robertson, Stuart #2-96

Fixing Spells Siew, Zedeck #2-152

Fuck You Moments McGrogan, David #2-121

Fungus Among Us Bisson, E.A. "taichara" #3-30

Get Your Gear! Nobboc #1-25 Equipment, Treasure, Magic Items
Random Table

Gonzo Body Horror Elwischger, Leander #2-101

Greetings, innkeep Sacco, Ciro Alessandro #3-64

Grotesque Grey, Rosie #3-10

Hit Die Are Meant to Be Rolled Nieudan, Eric #1-42 Houserule

Hit Points Everywhere Kobayashi #2-92

Humanizing the Monster Edwards, Brent #3-58

I Cut the Body Open Harbowoputra #3-25

I Eat the Body Vagabundork #1-131 Random Table

I Search the Bookshelf Vagabundork #2-49

I Slit Open the Dragon's Belly Back, Andrea "Vyrelion" #3-20

If Failure Isn't Interesting ... Trollsmyth (J. Brian Murphy) #2-100

Impact K., Arnold #1-96 Advice


In Praise of Vanilla Fantasy Shear, Jack #2-80

In Praise of Vermin Maliszewski, James #3-86

Inspirational Spell Shard Tables Bisson, E.A. "taichara" #2-126

It's a Trap! Vagabundork #1-92 Advice

Character Death
It's Not Just the Rats and Centipedes Howard, Zach "Zenopus" #3-84

Itsus Take the Wheel Edwards, Brent #2-131

Just Use Bears Shear, Jack #1-144 Advice


Knight Errant Generator Strom, Matt #2-16

Landmark, Hidden, Secret Hunter, Anne #2-22 Information

Leaving Kansas Allen, Emmy #1-70 Advice


Less Rules to Do More Hamilton, Justin #3-140

Liven Up Those Corridors Graphite Prime #1-112 Advice

Look At Them Weirdos Harbowoputra #3-92

Mandaloo's Magic Longstix Mijucic, Stefan #2-30

Mansions of the Dead Holloway, James #2-31

Map Portfolio #1-145 Art

Meet the New Boss Manola, Joseph #3-36

Menagerie of Monstrosities #2-175

Menagerie of Monstrosities #3-155

Monster Derangement Syndrome Sholtis, Jason #1-130 Random Table


Monster Design from Classics: The Lich Dowall, Chris #1-16 Advice
Monsters and NPCs

Monster Hobbies and Quirks Gracie, Kezie #3-107

Monster Modifiers Cacklecharm #2-60

More Chaos in your Battles Nobboc #2-86

My Aesthetic is Pathetic Holloway, James #1-101 Advice

My Goblins Are ... Maeve Geist, Fiona #1-59 Monsters and NPCs
Random Table

My Goblins Are ... Greco, Paolo #2-83

My Goblins Are ... Vagabundork #3-138

My Ten Commandments ... Noguiera, Diogo #3-62

Naming My Game Milton, Ben #1-48 Theory

New Monsters #1-179 Monsters and NPCs

New Player Classes #1-159 New or Alternate Class

Nightmare on Lake 13 Kobayashi #3-16

Picaro Maliszewski, James #3-22

Play Like It's 2022 d'Argohl, Islayre #3-132

Playing Chess with Death Allen, Emmy #2-94

Playing Dice With Death Loe, Phillip #2-19

Playing Dragons Islam, Ava #3-56

Portfolio of Cartographic Curiosities #2-163

Portfolio of Cartographic Curiosities #3-145

Radikal Quest Treme, Nate #3-144

Random Wilderness Nieudan, Eric #3-46

Rats Vagabundork #3-102

Retinue of Rogues #2-187

Retinue of Rogues #3-165

Revisiting the Domain Game Shear, Jack #3-32

Rival Adventuring Parties Hunter, Anne #2-68

RPGs as Emotional Gambling Allen, Emmy #1-68 Theory

Ruins Grümph, John #3-129

Ruling Not Rules Is Insufficient K., Arnold #1-54 Theory


Save vs Actual Death? Vagabundork #1-67 Houserule

Sewers of Mistery Tamm, Chris #1-134 Adventure
Random Table

Sights to Stumble Upon in the Woods Edwards, Brent #3-26

Sixty Pointless Items Grove, Sarah #2-64

Slayer Weapons Nieudan, Eric #3-48

Some Ways of Killing D&D People Sell, Daniel #1-53 Houserule

Character Death

Sorcerer-Corpse Hazards Cacklecharm #2-33

Sunrise Over the Black Lake Kaliman, Vasili #3-101

Sword Saint Techniques Ortiz, Ron E. #3-116

The Anatomy of a Dungeon Map Lux, Gabor #2-51

The Bugbear Witch Nieudan, Eric #3-136

The Caverns of Thracia Sorolla, Roger SG #3-108

The Charnel Saturnalia Wells, Charles #2-111

The Danger of Skills Dailey, Brooks #1-74 Theory

The Ecology of Gold Islam, Ava #3-90

The Grey Shaded Hex Black, Lord Simon #2-70

The Labors of Hercules as OSR Obstacles Milton, Ben #1-61 Theory


The Master's Words of Wisdom K., Arnold #2-8

The More the Merrier Robertson, Stuart #3-96

The Overly Thematic Dungeon Lux, Gabor #1-82 Theory

The Retired Adventure Is ... Sell, Daniel #1-28 Monsters and NPCs
Random Table

The Seven Draconic Sins S., Christopher #3-52

The Story is the Campaign McGrogan, David #3-8

The Tapestry and the Mosaic Box Lux, Gabor #1-106 Theory

The Tartaros Nobboc #3-120

The Wicked Ensemble Verne, Jean #3-124

Thief Knacks McCrowell, Josh #2-74

Too Much Worldbuilding Shear, Jack #2-122

Uniquely Undead Logos, Dyson #2-56

Wanderers in the Dark Kaliman, Vasili #3-103

Wandering Monsters Shold Have a Purpose in Wandering Around Lynch, Bryce #1-39 Advice


Weird Kobold Weapons Back, Andrea "Vyrelion" #3-94

Whale Heart Gracie, Kezie #2-102

What Are My Rations? Brimstin, Eric #3-95

What Are Those Spiders Doing? Parker, Ktrey #2-140

What Are Those Stirges Doing? Parker, Ktrey #3-104

What Do the Monsters Want? McCoy, Sean #1-64 Advice
Random Table

What Happened in 1266? Shear, Jack #1-95 Advice


What Happened to the Bodies? McGrogan, David #3-14

What I Want in an OSR Game Dailey, Brooks #1-8 Theory

What is My Sword? Kobayashi #2-107

What is Tested? K., Arnold #2-76

What is This Gelatinous Cube Doing? Parker, Ktrey #2-143

What Kids' RPGs Are Missing Milton, Ben #1-36 Theory

What the Arkenstone Can Do For You Trollsmyth (J. Brian Murphy) #2-95

What the Hell Just Happened? Back, Andrea "Vyrelion" #2-105

What to Do Now That Your 1st Level Magic-User Has Case Their One Spell? Denning, Warren #3-49

What's the Deal With Igor's Hump? Shear, Jack #1-52 Random Table

When All You Have Is A Hammer Manola, Joseph #3-41

When Not to Kill A PC? Noguiera, Diogo #3-93

When You Sleep In Dungeons Graphite Prime #2-40

Why Setting High Stakes Matters McCoy, Sean #1-51 Theory

Wizard Weaknesses Sell, Daniel #1-20 Random Table

You Want to Build a Dungeon ... L., Gus #2-114