KNOCK! Submissions
KNOCK! is a magazine of old-school gaming bric-a-brac, collating the assembled wisdom of the blogosphere as well as new essays, advice, art, adventures, tables, rantings, critique, and glossolalia. Use this form to submit an article for consideration to the Merry Mushmen.
If accepted, your article will be used in some future issue of KNOCK! magazine. We’ll be in touch about next steps. Our editor-in-chief will help get your article ready for print and our master-of-layout will work his magic. We can supply the art and maps for any dungeons or adventures you’ve cooked up.
Please note: Authors retain all rights to all of their submitted work. We only ask for permission to publish it! If you submit something new, as a courtesy we ask that you let us publish it first. Just let us know if you have any concerns.
Questions? Comments? Email us at!