02.09 - 2021


Are you an adventure games/OSR writer or artist? Would you like to be one?
We at KNOCK! Mag love everything about the culture of old+new school roleplaying games. We are nostalgic and curious about our games’ past, and we are even more enthusiastic about their future. And the future of the OSR doesn’t belong exclusively to pasty skinned, cishet Euro-beardos like us.
We will accept contributions from anyone, and we really want to welcome people from underrepresented minorities. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are a BIMPOC and/or a LGBTQ+ person. We also need more fem identifying contributors. And also folx under 30.
We won’t turn anyone away*, so please submit whether you’re a newbie, an old hand, or a goblin from cave D.
Write to knockmag [hat] pm [doubt] me:

  • If you have a blog, send us the links of a couple articles or art pieces you think we’d like.
  • If you don’t have a blog or online portfolio, it’s okay to send us attachments.
  • And if you’ve never published anything before, we will do our best to help you shape your work.

tl;dr: If you enjoy the same weirdgonzo stuff we do, we want you to hop aboard with us. Have a look at the bottom of this page for a browse of our first issue to get a better idea of what we like.
— Eric and Olivier, the merry mushmen

* Unless you’re into hate speech or -isms, in which case don’t even bother.

By Gustave Doré


  1. Alan
    02.21 - 2021

    Whenever I have thought, “old school”, I have imagined a magazine like Knock!
    Y’all are *so* good that I’m wondering if I should continue writing zany RPG on my own.
    Peace be with you.
    L’chaim and peace be with you.

  2. Johnathan Rhoades
    08.24 - 2021

    I just got my issues 1 and 2 and these are SO GOOD!!!!! They need to be a biannual release or something. The best gaming digest I could imagine. (Honestly better than I imagined)

  3. eric
    09.28 - 2021

    Thank you so much Alan!

    And keep writing your zany stuff, it’s exactly how our contributors started.

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