12.29 - 2020

Knock! #1 live on Kickstarter, and Funded (in a wink)

Well people, we did cast that knock spell on the door to success!

Funded in a wink

Thanks to you, everyone will get a dust cover and Russtastic bookmark along with their copy of our first issue, AND the team and contributors will get a pay raise. We had these three stretch goals lined up, hoping we would manage to reach them all in a month… It took less than 36 hours. This is just amazing.

All stretch Goals unlocked!

The Kickstarter grognards among you must be expecting a few more goodies in the next weeks, if only to keep the buzz alive. Well, we hope this won’t be too much of a disappointment, but there won’t be any more stretch goals. Two reasons for this:
One, stuffing the envelopes any more would increase the shipping cost, and we don’t want to take that risk, especially not at a time when international shipping costs can be so volatile.
Two, we are busy people with busy work schedules. (I should be writing a DCC module and translating Macchiato Monsters and prepping a con game right now, and Olivier has a ton more kickass layout jobs and daredevil stunts on horseback to do). So we’d rather start working on issue number two of KNOCK! as soon as we can.
The plan is to be back here in six months with another 200+ pages full of goodness. As fantasy marathon runners say, this is a megadungeon, not a one-shot delve. So you won’t hear a lot from us until the end of the campaign. We will let you know how things are going with the printing process, and maybe show you a couple sneak peeks.

Thanks for getting onboard the KNOCK! dropship with us!

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